Student Creativity Program (PKM)
Endika Sofya Pramesti1, Nur Azizah Febriani1, Refisan Naufa ‘Aisy1, Shofa Salsabila2, Viany Putri Nur Rachmawati1, dan Endang Susilowati1
1Bachelor Program of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret 2Pharmacy Departemen, Faculty of Math and Science, Universitas Sebelas Maret Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36A, Kentingan, Kec. Jebres, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
This study aims to determine the optimum conditions for the manufacture of Ag nanoparticles with variations in NaOH, microwave irradiation time, and AgNO3 concentration. This study used an experimental method in the laboratory. AgNO3 functions as a precursor, kappa carrageenan as a reducing agent, stabilizer and matrix in silver nanocomposites, and NaOH as an accelerator. The preparation of silver nanocomposites using the reduction method with the help of microwave irradiation. The results showed that NaOH had an effect on the maximum absorption of the LSPR band at a volume of 0.4 mL with an absorbance of 0.860. Then, the length of time affects the maximum absorption of the band and the optimal time is 6 minutes. Variations in AgNO¬3 concentration affect the maximum absorption band where the more AgNO3 added the absorbance will increase. The resulting nanocomposite was then formed into a film and tested for antibacterial by disc diffusion method. The test results show that the silver nanocomposite affects the movement of the bacteria. Keywords: Silver-Kappa Carrageenan Nanocomposite, Microwave Irradiation, Antibacterial.
Synthesis of Nanosilica Adsorbent from Lapindo Mud through SolGel Method based on Green Chemistry as a Medical Waste Adsorption Material Ibuprofen
Zahra Ayu Fadhilah, Ida Setiarini, Anisa Ayu Solikah, dan Zulfana Qoulan Syadida
Bachelor Program of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret
Jl.Ir.Sutami36A,Surakarta57126,JawaTengah, Indonesia
Lapindo mud eruption in Sidoarjo caused a lot of material and non-material losses. On the other hand, the potential of Lapindo mud requires further utilization. Lapindo mud, which contains 53.03% Si, is a future silica reserve if processed based on research and technology. One of the efforts made by synthesizing Lapindo mud as nanosilica is because silica content is the main element in Lapindo mud which can be applied to adsorb ibuprofen waste. Nanosilica from Lapindo mud using a green chemistry-based sol-gel method which is more environmentally friendly was synthesized using pluronic P123 as a mold and egg white as a natural surfactant with a ratio of 1:1. This synthesis uses a hydrothermal process at a temperature of 90oC. The results obtained were then calcined at a temperature of 500℃ to obtain completely pure silica in the form of a white powder. The adsorption performance test of nanosilica material against ibuprofen waste with various conditions was measured by UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The maximum adsorption capacity occurred at a contact time of 40 minutes, adsorbate concentration of 100 ppm, adsorbent mass of 0.01 grams, neutral pH, and room temperature (27). Adsorption kinetics of ibuprofen by nanosilica followed the Ho&Mckey isotherm model. Keywords: Lapindo Mud, Nanosilica, Green Chemistry, Ibuprofen Adsorption, Sol-Gel Method
Roro Roudotul Rohmatin Rose, Anna Setyowati, Azzizatul Arifah, Hayu Diah Cahyani, Iqbal Candra Maulana, dan Lina Mahardiani
Bachelor Program of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret
Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Kentingan Surakarta
The aims of purpose of this product development was to create healthy snack in the from of jelly candy. This is because in general jelly candy contains a lot of conservative and high calory. Potaca Candy is a product of jelly candy that was made by adding purslane plant and soursop leaves extract which have high antioxidant content. The method used was taking the filtrate from purslane and soursop leaves and mixed with added sugar, nutrijel and food coloring before cooked. In order to develop this product, the organolaptic tests were conducted based on color, flavor, texture and taste to formulate the best composition of the jelly candy. Potaca Candy as a healthy snack has calory about 69,6 kkal/150 gram. In addition, questionnaires to determine the effect of product quality in term of texture and service satisfaction. The results show that product qualities such as flavour and texture have positive significance toward customers satisfaction along with service quality. Meanwhile for product price showed no significance relation toward customer satisfaction. Further, the business feasibility of Potaca Candy was also determined with value of the R/C ratio shows a result of 1.5, meaning that the business is feasible to run.
Keywords: jelly candy, purslane plant, soursop leaves, antioxidant, healthy snacks.
Noumi Campbel1), Fathimah Attaqiyyah2), Cindy Nur Anggreani1), Ardhianna Salsabilla Puteri3)
1Bachelor Program of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret
2Bachelor Program of Food Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sebelas Maret
3Bachelor Program of Chemistry, Faculty of Math and Science, Universitas Sebelas Maret
Breadfruit peel is a waste product of processed breadfruit (Artocarpus altitis) from the production of chips in Randusari Village, Prambanan District, Klaten Regency. Breadfruit peel waste has the potential to be used as a source of pectin which can be one of the ingredients for making edible coatings. This study aims to make edible coatings from breadfruit peel pectin extract and its characteristics in the application of strawberries. The study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 2 mass variations of sorbitol plasticizer (0 grams and 2 grams) and 2 variations in glycerol mass (0 grams and 2 grams). Extraction of breadfruit rind resulted in pectin yields with values of 5.54%; 11.15%; 22.6%, and 7%. The pectin used in the manufacture of edible coatings is pectin with an extraction temperature of 95°C. Edible coating with the formula F3 (2 g tapioca, 2 g pectin, 2 g glycerol, and 2 g sorbitol) is an edible coating with the best parameters with the best physical properties and produces a strawberry fruit coating with the best organoleptic test results (hard skin, color). bright red, and odorless).
Keywords: Pectin, edible coating, extraction
The Innovation of Multifunctional Scraping Therapy Cream Preparations Putri Malu Leaf Extract and Pandan Wangi Leaves As Anti-Inflammation and Skin Moisturizer
Clarisa Fidya Fitri, Assyaffa Wafiqah, Cindy Nur Anggreani, Feby Dwi Handayani
Bachelor Program of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret
Traditional therapy is an alternative medicine technique that has been around for a long time. One of the traditional therapies that are still popular with the community is scraping. Scraping is a treatment method that is done when you catch a cold by pressing and sliding a blunt object repeatedly on the surface of the skin until red welts occur. However, scrapings can cause side effects in the form of inflammation of the skin. Symptoms begin with heat, pain to (erythema) redness. To overcome these side effects, anti-inflammatory drugs can be used. The right antiinflammatory drug preparation to be applied to the skin is in the form of a cream. To take advantage of the natural resources that exist and as a form of care for the environment, many preparations are made from natural ingredients or in the form of herbal plant extracts. Mimosa leaves contain secondary metabolites, namely flavonoids, steroids, tannins, and saponins that can be used as natural anti-inflammatory. As an herbal plant, the leaves of mimosa are commonly used as transquilizer, expectorant, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory. In addition to the mimosa leaves, pandan leaves are also one of the natural anti-inflammatory herbal plants. Pandan leaves contain secondary metabolites in the form of flavonoids and steroids that can inhibit the cyclooxygenase enzyme thereby inhibiting the formation of prostaglandins. Every drug has side effects, especially those that contain chemicals that are inseparable from anti-inflammatory drugs. Anti-inflammatory drugs that are currently circulating have side effects such as burning, itching, dryness to secondary infections. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a cream that can function as an anti-inflammatory drug as well as a skin moisturizer.
Keywords : Scrapings, Anti-inflammatory, Mimosa Leaves, Pandan Leaves, Moisturizer
Zeolite Modification from Fly Ash with Iron Oxide Nano Coating as an Effort to Reduce Ni Metal Contamination in Batik Waste
Happy Rindu Romantika1), Ananda Dea Windiasty1), Dien Amalia Ilma1), Amalia Tassa Arnitasari1), Agista Ayuningtyas2), Sulistyo Saputro1)
1) Bachelor Program of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret
2) Bachelor Program of Mathematics, Faculty of Math and Science, Universitas Sebelas Maret
The process of burning coal in steam power plants produces a large amount of fly ash waste. To utilize the waste, fly ash can be used as adsorbents through zeolite synthesis. Adsorbents of the fly ash can be applied to reduce the contamination of Ni heavy metals in batik waste. To improve the effectiveness of zeolite adsorption in this research, it was carried out with modification of iron Nano oxide. This research aims to test the effectiveness and adsorption capacity of zeolite-modified zeolite in reducing Ni metal contamination in batik waste. The results of the XRF study showed that fly ash contained 45.20% SiO2 oxide and 29.20% Al2O3. The FTIR results showed a shift in the band of 642.32 cm-1 to 734.91 cm-1 where the addition of iron oxide could lead to pure zeolite. Characterization of adsorption capacity will be done with AAS.
Keywords: fly ash, zeolite, adsorption, and Ni metal
Effect of Activation on Gelatin Modified ZnO Using Tamarind, Lime, and Wuluh Starfruit as Adsorbents Methylene Blue
Ika Uswatun Hasanah, Sandini Ajeng Istanti, Hafid Al Afif, Rizki Deva Maharani, Nina, Maria Ulfa
Bachelor Program of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret
Jl. Ir. Sutami 36 A, Surakarta 57126, Central Java Indonesia
The synthesis of environmentally friendly natural acid activated ZnO has been successfully carried out using the hydrothermal method as an innovation to replace synthetic acid. Hydrothermal method with a temperature of 100oC for 24 hours and activated using extracts of lime, tamarind, and star fruit wuluh then in the oven at 100o for 24 hours and continued with calcination. The adsorbent formed was then characterized using FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) and XRD (X-Ray Diffraction). FTIR results on all ZnOG activated with 3 natural acids showed an absorption pattern at 1056 cm-1 and 1689 cm-1 which indicated the presence of the O-Si-O and Zn-OH functional group. Crystallinity was tested using an XRD instrument and the results showed that the silica structure of ZnOG was amorphous because there was a peak that widened at 10-20o. The degree of crystallinity of activated ZnOG extracts of tamarind, starfruit, and lime were 52%, 58%, and 65%, respectively, with a crystal size of 0.4 nm; 0.39 nm; and 0.42 nm. The adsorption process of methylene blue using ZnOG adsorbent as much as 50 mg in 120 minutes with a speed of 150 rpm. From the research results, it is known that the activator of lime extract has the highest adsorption capacity compared to tamarind and wuluh starfruit extract, which is 62.881 mg/g.
Vina Rusliana, Rakhma Amalia Nurdina, Febri Yogi Pratama, Lina Mahardiani
Bachelor Program of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret
Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36A, Kentingan, Kec. Jebres, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Sugar palm (Arenga pinnata) is a type of plant that grows in the tropics and belongs to the palm group. Sugar palm fiber has 52.29% of cellulose content so it has the potential to be used as cellulose nanofibers. Cellulose nanofibers have a large surface area, high aspect ratio, abundant OH groups on the surface, and high crystallinity. In terms of its mechanical properties, cellulose nanofibers have high strength, stiffness, and elasticity. In addition, cellulose nanofibers have a good resistance to high temperatures and have a low coefficient of thermal expansion. So, it has the potential to be used as an adsorbent. Cellulose nanofibers were synthesized by mechanical and chemical combinations with modified carbonation. The carbonization process was carried out at a temperature of 300 degrees Celsius and then activated using 5% HCl and 10% ZnCl2. The adsorbents were characterized using FTIR, SEM-EDX, and XRD. This adsorbent application from palm fiber is used for the adsorption of methylene blue with temperature variations when contacting is 30, 40, and 50 degrees celsius. The results of the best absorption of methylene blue by pure adsorbents are found at a temperature of 50ºC of 7.273 mg/g, for adsorption with 5% HCl activated adsorbent at a temperature of 30ºC of 3.746 mg/g, while using activated adsorbent ZnCl2 absorption at a temperature of 40ºC is 4.944 mg/g.
Keywords: cellulose nanofiber, sugar palm fiber, methylene blue, adsorben
Elisabeth Nugrahini, Ida Setiarini, Wieke Helma Anjelina, Lina Mahardiani
Bachelor Program of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret
Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Jebres, Kentingan, Surakarta, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Heavy metal waste can cause water pollution. One of them is very toxic arsenic, so it needs to be treated before being released freely into the water sources. The manufacture of Carbon Nanofiber (CNF) from sugar palm fiber waste is a new innovation in science that can be transformed into adsorbents for remediation of heavy metal in water sources, and also to increase the value of sugar palm fibers. Carbon nanofibers from sugar palm fibers (Arenga pinnata) were modified with zinc oxide (ZnO) with various concentrations: 0,1%, 1% and 10% in 1 gram of carbon nanofibers. Carbon nanofibers were made by carbonizing sugar palm fiber at a temperature of 300oC for 2 hours, then carried out by wet impregnation with Zn(CH3COO)2.2H2O and calcined at a temperature of 250oC for 1 hours to produce black nanofiber powder. This research was conducted to determine the effect of ZnO concentration on the characteristics of carbon nanofibers and their effectiveness to remediate arsenic. ZnO/carbon nanofibers adsorbent material will be characterized using FTIR, XRD, and SEM instruments. Determination of ZnO/carbon nanofiber adsorption on arsenic was tested using the AAS instrument.
Keywords: Sugar palm fiber, Carbon nanofibers, ZnO, Heavy metal adsorption, Arsenic.
Apfia Riana Devi, Indriyani Pangestuti, Poppy Rahmatul Hadja, dan Refisan Naufa ‘Aisy
Bachelor Program of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret
Dental caries is one of the most common dental and oral problems in Indonesia. The main cause of dental caries is plaque formed from colonies of Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Escherichia bacteria. The problem of dental caries can be prevented and treated using toothpaste that contains antibacterial. The antibacterial content in toothpaste will fight and prevent bacteria from multiplying on the tooth surface. The purpose of this research program is that lime peel extract added to toothpaste from chicken egg shells has the potential to prevent and treat dental caries. The methods used were eggshell waste powder calcined at 1000 °C for 5 hours, hydroxyapatite synthesis, lime peel extraction, and toothpaste preparation. The characteristic test of toothpaste preparation includes organoleptic test and antibacterial test. After doing research, we can find out the standard parameters of the physical stability of toothpaste that have been set to overcome the problem of dental caries. From the results of the study, toothpaste with a composition of 3 grams of chicken egg shell and 0.5 ml of lime peel extract and toothpaste with a composition of 6 grams of chicken egg shell powder with an extract of 0.2 ml had a semisolid texture, fresh smell and taste. softer than the 1 gram sample with 1 ml of orange peel extract. The toothpaste formulation that gave the greatest inhibition was the composition of 6 grams of chicken egg shell and 0.2 ml of lime peel extract, which was 15.58 mm.
Keywords: Egg Shell, Lime Peel, Toothpaste
Arumsasi Putri Nugrahani, Salsabila Adzani Rahmadina, Nova Dwi Lestari, dan Sri
Bachelor Program of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret
Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Jebres, Kentingan, Surakarta, Indonesia
Garlic and shallot are commonly utilized in culinary preparations as well as herbal treatment. Tuber use, on the other hand, frequently results in skin waste. Because they include chemicals such as alkaloids, flavonoids, quinones, saponins, and polyphenols, garlic and shallot peels have the ability to act as sunscreens, while garlic peels operate as antioxidants. Meanwhile, shallot peel is high in chemicals like flavonoids and organosulfur, which can function as antibacterial and anti-acne agents by inhibiting Propionibacterium acnes, the bacteria that causes acne. The goal of this research is to create a sunscreen with a variety of benefits using a combination of garlic and shallot peel extracts. Garlic peel yields 16 percent and shallot peel yields 11 percent from the extraction process. The sunscreen was created in three formulations with extract concentrations of 6%, 13%, and 20%, which were then put through a series of testing. The result of physical testing revealed that the F3 sunscreen had the darkest color, with good uniformity in all three formulae. The three cream recipes darkened in color from the 7th to the 21st day. The dispersion test results on F1 are among the most extensively disseminated. With the O/W cream type, the obtained sunscreen pH varies from pH 5 to pH 7. The strongest antibacterial activity was found in shallot peel extract at a concentration of 20%, while the three sunscreen cream formulations had the least anti-acne effect.
Keywords: garlic peel, shallot peel, sunscreen, cream, testing