
    Alumni Profile


    Eko Pujianto, S.Pd

    CEO Sari Kreasi Boga (BABARAFI)
    • Study at Bachelor Program of Chemistry education Sebelas Maret University teaches many things, not chemistry content but also life science and entrepreneurship. Thank you and give thanks to God for being met with super great lecturers, seniors, friends and family of Chemistry Education. A great campus is not just a place to teach, but a place that is conducive to learning.


    Anita Sukarini, S.Pd.

    Chemistry Teacher, SMA Bina Widya - Surakarta
    • Studying in Bachelor Program of Chemistry education Sebelas Maret University is very fun. I have gained a lot of knowledge. here I learned how to proceed to develop even better with the guidance of a very extraordinary lecturer.

    Joko Susilo, S.Pd., M.Sc.

    Chemistry Teacher- ACS Jakarta ( Cambridge and International Baccalaureate World School )
    • Studying at Bachelor Program of Chemistry education Sebelas Maret University really formed who i am today. it taught me a lot of confidence , hard- work , and resilience. Facilities, academic & non academic staffs and the programs are integrated and helpful in my growth as a person throughout my time at the bachelor program of Chemistry education but also my time graduation

    Hikma Nurul Izza, S.Pd. Gr

    Teacher of Vocational High School, SMK 1 Kandeman Batang

    Studying at bachelor program of chemistry education sebelas maret university has given me a chance to renew myself. CBE encourage me to improve my pedagogic and professional competences. Additionally, i was taught by highly intellectual and experienced lectures who gave me knowledge how to implement chemistry learning in my school.

    Krisna Merdekawati, S.Pd., M.Pd

    Head of chemistry education Bachelor Program - Universitas Islam Indonesia

    Studying at Bachelor Program of Chemistry Education Universitas Sebelas Maret, is not only learning about educational theory and chemistry. More than that, we had an amazing learning experience, learning about life sciences. The teaching staff has a high commitment in preparing the character of students through exemplary and learning experiences.


    Febri Baskoro, S. Pd., M. Sc., Ph. D.

    Postdoctoral research fellow, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.

    Studying at Bachelor Program of Chemistry education Sebelas Maret University is the first stage of my tranning to become what I am today. The curriculum provided a basic knowledge and set foundation to persue higher education. it taught me a scientific thingking, sense of curiosity for science, and hard-work. I found all of the resouces provided by the department and university are set up to help students throughout their study at the bachelor program of Chemistry education.

    Hery Wijayanto, S.Pd., M.Sc.

    Doctoral Course Student, Department of Chemistry, Hiroshima University, Japan

    I was really blessed with the opportunity to study at Bachelor Program of Chemistry Education Universitas Sebelas Maret, which would not only support my laboratory-related hard skills as a chemist (chemistry knowledge) but would allow me to develop my soft skills such as leadership, adaptability, and communication, particularly how to relate and interact with other people (teaching and education knowledge). During my bachelor studies at this program, I connected with competent and friendly academic staff that really supported my academic life