
    Lecture Activities

    Lecture and Practical classes Students must follow educational activities such as lectures, practical classes, and other activities complying with a study plan and schedule specified based on valid conditions. Minimally there are lectures for 4 weeks in one semester. Students must fill the attendance list of each given lecture, and they must follow minimally 75% lecture attendance of total given lectures. If students cannot follow lectures with specified minimal attendances, they may not follow examination for any reason, except they are sick, their close family member dies, or they are serving as the ambassador of academic activities. Students may submit a permission letter to the academic no later than 5 days after students leave lecturing.

    Prerequisite course A prerequisite course is a course as a prerequisite to getting permission to take specific lectures being requirements. Thus, to take a course with prerequisite, they can do it if they have met course requirements with a minimal D score.

    Examination and Evaluation To evaluate students in the following lecture activities, the Faculty organizes examinations. We organize examinations of all courses in two phases, namely: mid-semester examination and end-semester examination. Examinations are organized in oral and written forms, complying with the specified time. Students who get permission to follow the examinations are those who meet specified requirements. We announce the results of tests in locations in which students can see it easily.

    Requirements of Course and Practical Class Examinations We organize and schedule examinations once for mid-semester examinations and once for end-semester examinations. Mid-semester and end-semester examinations are formal evaluation, we also evaluate sustainable tasks during the learning process such as homework, quiz, group task, enthusiasm in classroom/group discussion, special activities and answering to questions in classroom/group, either oral, written, and presentational forms. We adapt the scheduling of mid-semester and end-semester examinations to the academic calendar of the university. Coordinator (person in charge) organizes examinations of practical classes specifically.

    The faculty organizes the rule of practical classes and undergraduate thesis examinations. Students may follow the course and practical classes examinations if they meet all the following requirements:

    • Students are registered for relevant semesters and the Academic Advisor has approved their KRS.
    • They fulfil administrative requirements issued by the Academic and Student Division and they have paid for all tuition fees.
    • They have followed lecturing activities a minimum of 75% of the total given is a face-to-face meeting.
    • For practice (practical) classes, students must follow practical works complying with specified conditions.