In an effort to produce quality graduates, the Chemical Education Bachelor Program always strives to improve the quality of education through various activities including through an Internal Quality Audit (AMI) every semester and an external quality audit by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT). Since 2012 the Chemical Education Bachelor Program has implemented ISO 9001 to ensure the quality of learning and meet the quality standards of the UNS Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI). In 2019 Chemical Education Bachelor Program received an A rating accreditation from BAN-PT.
To overcome the dynamics of changes that occur in society, the Chemical Education Bachelor Program continues to carry out curriculum evaluations, the results of which for 2020 apply the OBE-based 2020 KPT MBKM curriculum and refer to the KKNI, SN-Dikti, the consortium of the Chemical Education Division of HKI, UNS Chancellor Regulation No. 31 of 2020, and 15 Subject Specific Criteria for Chemistry (ASIIN_SSC_09_Chemistry_2019-03-29).
This effort is made so that the Chemical Education Bachelor Program in FKIP UNS can produce quality graduates and be able to compete at national and international levels. We hope that through this website, dear visitors, they can obtain various information about the Chemical Education Bachelor Program and its activities and related matters that can benefit the public and are pleased to share it with colleagues and friends.
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Thank you for visiting us.
Greetings from us,
Dr.Elfi Susanti Vh, M.Si.
Head of Chemical Education Bachelor Program