


    Kovalen Edu Fair is an annual event since 2010 as a forum for students and college students throughout  Indonesia to learn and be creative. At KEF we can train critical thinking skill, creativity, innovation, and competition sportively. We can also get real netwok if we can take the opportunities well. There are 4 sub events in the KEF series, namely National Chemistry Competition, National Essay Competition, National PCl5 Poster Competition, and National Seminar. KEF is expected to be a stepping stone to all the participants in order to be able to compete in wider field. This KEF is also held as an effort to create a positive image of HMP Kimia Kovalen as well as Chemistry Education FKIP UNS program.  Events detail:

    (1) National Essay Competition

    National Essay Competition is a competition in the field of essay writing held by HMP Kimia Kovalen FKIP UNS since 2019. This competition is expected to be a forum for college students throughout Indonesia to show their creativity, interest, and talent in essay writing skill. In addition, college students are also expected to be able to express all their inspirations and ideas related to the themes in Kovalen Edu Fair. Documentations:

    NEC 2019

    NEC 2020 (Online)

    (2) National Chemistry Competition

    National Chemistry Competition is a competitin in the field of chemistry held by HMP Kimia Kovalen  for high school student throughout Indonesia. This competition is expected to increase students’ knowledge about chemistry and as an event to show student talent and interest in chemistry. The purposes of this event are: 

    • Increasing high school students’ knowledge in chemistry
    • as an event to show talent and interest of students in chemistry
    • Strengthen the relation among high school students
    • Introducing profile of Chemistry Education Study Program of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

    NCC 2019

    NCC 2020 (Online)

    (3) Lomba Poster Nasional PCl5

    PCl5 is poster competition in the national level for college students throughout Indonesia to show ideas and creativity in the field of visual arts. merupakan lomba poster tingkat nasional bagi mahasiswa/i se-Indonesia sebagai wadah untu menyaluran ide & kreativitas dalam seni visual. Initially, PCl5 was a poster drawing competition on A3-sized paper using crayons or other coloring for junior and senior high school students. Then, there was an adjustment in the pandemic era in 2020 where the poster competition turned into  digital poster competition using design application such as Coreldraw, Photosop, Adobe Illustrator, and others for college students. 

    PCI5 2019

    PCI5 2020 (Online)

    (4) Seminar Nasional

    National Seminar is interactive event to increase knowledge in science and technology. 

    SEMNAS 2019

    SEMNAS 2020 (Online)


    Kovalen Care (KOVCARE) is program from students walfare of student service department that aims to increase and realize the dedication of HMP Kimia Kovalen to the community in the target village and as the implementation of one of the Tri Dharma of higher education whis is service. KOVCARE is social work program as a form of concern of HMP Kimia Kovalen for the community. This event usually consist of several activities, including free basic necessities, free clothes, free health check,  and socialization.

    COVCARE 2019

    COVCARE 2020


    Sambut Mahasiswa Baru (Samaru) is an event of introducing the Chemistry Education Study Program to new college students, which is one of program from Human Resource Department. The purpose of holding this event is that new college students can get to know about campus life and environment, especially at Chemistry Education Sebelas Maret University (UNS), so that the new students can get to know each other. This event is expected that it can foster a sense of ownership and a sense of pride in being part of the family of Chemistry Education UNS.

    SAMARU 2019

    SAMARU 2020 (Online)

    Kampung Binaan Kovalen (KBK)

    Kampung Binaan Kovalen (KBK) is one of the work programs of the HMP Kimia Kovalen in the Social Department of the Studen Services Division which has been formed since 2012 and continues to this day. KBK is an effort and forum for HMP Kimia Kovalen to contribute directly to the social activities, especially in terms of children character teaching in the target village. For now, the KBK is located in Mojosongo, Jebres. The selection was made through survey and direct observation and decided to teach at the Nur Huda Mosque due to the lack of the teachers there. This KBK activity is not only focused on teaching, but also provides socialization and knowledge sharing to residents, for example related to entrepreneurship.

    KBK 2019

    KBK 2020


    Sarasehan is one of the work programs of the Department of Student Welfare in the Student Service Division. This work program is divided into two, namely student-student workshops and student-lecturer workshops. The purpose of this work program is to collect student aspirations and complaints and channel student aspirations and complaints to Chemistry Education UNS lecturers. From the sarasehan, it is hoped that solutions can be found for students and lecturers’ concerns regarding lecture activities in the Chemistry Education Study Program, including supporting infrastructure for lectures.

    SARASEHAN 2019

    SARASEHAN 2020 (Online)

    Kunjungan Sepenuh Hati (KSp)

    This KSp is on of the Community Service’s program which aims to increase awareness of Chemistry Education students by conductiong social visits and helping the agencies visited.

    KSp 2019

    KSp 2020